Market Research Result

Zhen Wu
2 min readNov 4, 2023


I sent out the surveys on WeChat via WJX, and what I got are 110 responses, in which mostly are middle-upper class women. Maybe because it’s targeting back to the Chinese market, it became much easier to get survey takers as well as results, and here is it.

Q1: Your age?

25–34: 28
35–44: 48
45–54: 26
55+: 3

Q2: What’s your career?

Business Employee: 16
Business Manager: 33
Government staff: 20
Health/education workers: 29
Entertainment industry employees: 9
Others: 3

Q3: What is your annual income?

Below 60,000 Yuan: 7
60,000–120,000 Yuan: 31
120,000–180,000 Yuan: 56
More than 180,000 Yuan: 16

Q4: Do you take your skin health seriously?

Low attention: 2
Relative attention: 28
High attention: 66
Very High attention: 14

Q5: What is your skin type?

Dry skin: 10
Combination Dry Skin: 38
Normal skin: 33
Combination oily skin: 22
Oily skin: 7

Q6: Have you ever used breast beauty products?

Yes: 100


Q7: Why do you choose to use breast beauty products?

Soothes skin and release stress: 37
Deep cleansing of skin: 63
Unclog pores: 85
Brighten skin: 46
Other: 3

Q8: Why don’t you use breast beauty products?

No need: 4

Inconvenient: 5

Others: 1

Q9: How many times a week do you use breast beauty products?

Once: 11
Two to three times: 60
Four to five times: 25
Almost every day: 4

Q10: Where do you usually buy breast beauty products?

Pharmacy/Supermarket: 12
Online shopping: 32
Medical beauty institution: 56

Q11: How much do you spend on breast beauty products every month?

Below 1,000 Yuan: 4
1000–2000 Yuan: 39
2000–3000 Yuan: 43
3000–4000 Yuan: 12
More than 4,000 Yuan: 2

Q12: What effects do you hope to achieve with breast beauty products?

Moisturizing: 26
Hydration: 44
Promote blood circulation: 86
Prevent breast hyperplasia: 47
Others: 7

Q13: Do you have any dissatisfaction or discomfort when using breast beauty products?

No: 49
Allergic: 11
Not effective: 34
Others: 6

